
How To Upgrade Hp Stream 7 To Windows 10

HP Stream 7 - To Windows 10 and back

Updated: Oct 21, 2015

This is virtually like our favorite journey from The Hobbit. Except the topic is completely different and less enjoyable. Namely, I have purchased HP Stream 7 on impulse, considering it was darn cheap, and I did not need it whatsoever, but I thought it would exist a good instance to encounter how Windows eight behaves on a bear on-enabled tablet.

Now, it turns out the piddling device might be useful after all. I am going to try to upgrade information technology to Windows 10. After my laptop test, where Windows 10 proved to be average, slightly intrusive and completely unnecessary, the upgrade on a seven-inch tablet with a 32-bit version and limited space ought to be quite interesting. Moreover, the touch attribute. Does Windows 10 rectify the Metro moronity that Windows 8 brought us? Follow me.



After pimping up Windows viii.1 updates to the max, strangely, I did non go the GWX notification on the tablet. Therefore, I decided to accept things into my ain hands and upgraded on my own, using the media creation tool. Overall, the process took less fourth dimension than on the G50 machine. This is a good sign, considering even the modest tablet managed to get the upgrade complete rather quickly and smoothly. Yup, no issues. Spotless.

After the upgrade

Windows ten loaded with an interface that is somewhat catchy. On one hand, you get the desktop and the menu, no more flippery Metro nonsense. But then, you however go the tiles on the desktop, a-la icons, which is extremely confusing. They made sense in Windows 8, only they no longer make sense in Windows 10, because there'southward no separate desktop, and the desktop comes with a menu that has the tiles, so we have a functional redundancy here. I speedily got rid of the desktop racket.

I was besides using an online account, to see if this would make any difference compared to the local account setup I tried on the Lenovo laptop. Here, the aforementioned style it did on the laptop, Windows downloaded all the extra crap applications that I did not demand. The removal was slow and painful. The ones that could be deleted, that is.

And then, I spent the first two hours battling the array of privacy, customization and security settings, which are horrendously hard to command using touch. The new settings carte du jour is easier to navigate than in Windows eight, but information technology is still sub-optimized for any desktop related utilise without the precision and fine control of an external mouse. A simple solution would be a virtual mouse, to allow simple and fast interaction with the system.

Usability problems

Bug erupted later on only a few minutes of apply, adding to my frustration. Speed wise, Windows 10 was actually slower than Windows on the HP Stream vii. Pressing the menu button would always result in laggy response. Moreover, you actually have two buttons, and I'thousand not sure what they do.

Menu Second menu

If you click the Windows logo in the bottom left corner, null happens. If yous click the three-horizontal-stripes icon in the peak left corner, the carte opens. Why, no idea. Furthermore, there are no applications shown on the taskbar. You do not know what programs yous take open, and you lot must click the deck icon right of the search icon to actually become your application and programme windows. Almost similar Win-Tab or Alt-Tab.

The search remains stupid and, of form, Cortana did non piece of work in my region. The system was dull, always doing something in the background, always downloading more, always making more silly changes. Top that with my frustration around updates and Windows Defender.

Logging in was also slow. Again, Windows 10 was probably too decorated doing background stuff that I did not want, including changing the state of backgrounded apps to on, even thought I've explicitly toggled them off. This is the brave new world. Morons dictate how computers should exist used.

Keyboard nightmare

The biggest problem was the virtual keyboard. It did not work well. While the keyboard icon was always present in the organization tray on Windows 8.1, and I could ever summon information technology, there was no such equivalent in Windows ten. Making things worse, the keyboard did not work in quite a few programs. Firefox, Chrome, Windows Explorer, and PowerShell! I kid you not. These programs never displayed a prompt for keyboard.

In other words, I could only browse using the crappola called Border, I could not rename files or apply PowerShell to delete the built-in Metro applications. I was actually forced to apply remote assist and connect from my laptop to the tablet to be able to practise some basic administration and delete the turdy apps.

Cleaning apps

All the same, on adjacent reboot, they were back. When using the online account, Microsoft carefully replenished the loss of its default fix of apps that I've had deleted by giving them back to them on next login. And yes, I did set the app updates to manual in the Shop.

Back to Windows viii.1

After about a total of 3 hours of having to endure this nonsense, I decided to revert dorsum to Windows 8.1. This new operating system was not doing what it should exist. Information technology was intrusive, slower, buggier, with a wonky keyboard, and not a single useful aspect to it that would make me stay. The issues were so bad that sometimes information technology wouldn't even let me slide the screen downwards to power off the tablet. Without the keyboard, the desktop aspect of this operating system was horribly bedridden. And that ways everything.

Recovery Back to Windows 8.1


Sure, it'due south a paradox. Windows 8 sucks assurance, but then in this particular case, it is less useless than Windows 10. Yet, that withal makes it useless, and the cease result is, a device plus an operating system that cannot be used in any meaningful, productive manner. The pick of the lesser cretinism. Especially considering how well designed the tiled interface is on smartphones. Because once you lot mix touch with desktop, yous get this unholy combination that needs to be purged with napalm. I style or the other. The mix does not piece of work.

Windows 8, tiles Windows 8 desktop

Windows 8 keyboard works Windows 8 updates

The restore to Windows 8.1 took just nearly ten minutes, so I'd assume Windows 10 kept all the files backed up, and so merely restored the registry and the bootloader. I was back to using an inferior system that was better than the other junior organisation, but at the very least, it resembled something I could actually use if I wanted, the keyboard was working, the speed was reasonable. And I could actually mark Windows updates, rather than existence force-fed the lowest mutual denominator stupidity.

After the downgrade, or upgrade, however you desire to call it, I had the GWX icon. Only information technology is going to stay day and die once the ane twelvemonth cycle of complimentary "upgrades" expires. The tablet is not doing anything special, but at the very least, it is functional. Crippled but functional.


Microsoft does one affair well. Upgrades. Flawless in two dissever cases, on ii radically different devices. Plus yous get a flawless downgrade, too. Nothing to complain. Apart from that, everything else was bad. While Windows 10 was okay on the laptop, in the sense information technology sort of worked without being compelling or ameliorate in any mode over Windows seven/viii, it was totally messed upward on the HP Stream seven. I don't intendance whose mistake it is, and if the drivers demand fixing, or whatnot. Not my trouble. If at that place's an upgrade, it'd meliorate work.

Performance was bad, the keyboard did not piece of work, the user interface is counter-intuitive, and you have to fight the organisation not to exist doing all the things y'all'd look not to be there in the first place, similar the shitty Wi-Fi Sense sharing nonsense and other pseudo-happy we-are-all-friends crap they are trying to sell.

I did not experience the online globe, the integration, the Store, the ads, and such, simply because I turned off everything early on, and I accept slash had no incentive to explore that venue at all. Anything available in the Store is automatically junior to its desktop equivalent, and information technology's ane giant insult to calculator science.

In the stop, Windows ten might work on desktops or laptops, with proper mouse and keyboard. You might really tame the system to your liking, while all the same feeling violated and dingy and not quite at ease with all the privacy-personalization bullshit. It might also work well on smartphones. In fact, I think it probably will. But in the gray area between touch and intelligence, it fails miserably. Just every bit badly every bit Windows 8. In that location's no saving this situation really. Microsoft should simply ctrl + alt + shift + delete everything it tried to exercise in this field, and focus on a brighter futurity. The hybrid model is the worst thing to touch humanity since the late Bubonic Plague in the 17th Century.

Bottom line, Windows 10 is just as good or bad as Windows 8, with just tiny overall differences. No reward whatsoever, and in some cases, like the HP Stream seven tablet, some actress drawbacks. At least you're no worse than you were before. Fail x 10 still equals neglect. Stick to Windows 7 where you tin can, and if y'all must purchase new hardware, perchance you lot can consider information technology, with all the online/privacy caveats nosotros talked about earlier. On the phones, though, it is the all-time mobile operating arrangement. Annihilation else, nope. That's all.



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