
How To Insulate Your Windows For Winter

Ane of the all-time ways to save money on your heating bill is by sealing up cracks in windows. That's why winterizing them earlier the common cold flavour starts will help yous survive those frigid days and nights without turning up your thermostat.

In the below post, we'll review all-time practices on how to insulate your windows for winter. We'll as well evaluate whether insulating your windows is worth the price.

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5 Ways to Winterize Your Windows

Equally the temperature exterior starts to drop, you may find that you have a tough time keeping your home warm. Often, this is because of poorly insulated windows.

In fact, heat gain and heat loss through windows are responsible for 25%–xxx% of residential heating and cooling energy use.

While windows tin be a big source of rut loss in your home, there are multiple ways to winterize them. If you're looking for the nearly cost-constructive ways to winterize your windows without replacing them, consider the post-obit tips.

Air Seal and Caulk

Air leaks are acquired by air passing through cracks and gaps around your windows.

These can be equally small-scale equally a hairline cleft in the window frame or something much larger similar an open door, just they all have one thing in common: cool drafts that brand you shiver on those common cold days throughout winter months. If you experience these uncomfortable breezes at any point of time during the year then it'south worth having them checked out to ensure no heat is being lost where information technology should stay warm.

Inspecting the outside of your windows for cracks and gaps is a good place to start. Make certain you wait over all window frames, as well as caulking that may exist deteriorating or rotting wood. These signs tin can atomic number 82 to big problems in both functionality and safe. Check if there are whatsoever missing pieces from the glass itself (which will not only hinder low-cal coming into your home simply as well make it easier for intruders).

When it comes to caulking, the best advice is often given in the worst order. Kickoff, make sure you clean and dry the area of any droppings before replacing your sometime caulk with new 1. Caulk volition non stick if there are dust or dirt particles on peak that could attract wet which causes mold growth – another major concern for those looking out for their health too every bit preserving property values.

Check out our detailed post to find the best caulk for air sealing windows, doors, and other parts of your dwelling.

Atmospheric condition Stripping

Weather stripping is a type of sealing fabric that can be used to seal doors and windows. Information technology comes in 3 unlike types: felt, foam, or metal/vinyl strips. The nearly common weather stripping material is open-jail cell foam. When trying to make up one's mind which one will work best for you think about what your needs are besides as any pros or cons associated with each option based on their thickness (felt), flexibility (foam), and durability (metal).

How to Insulate Windows for Winter - Weather Stripping

In terms of the best foam conditions stripping products, we ofttimes recommend MAGZO Foam Tape Weatherstrip. This foam atmospheric condition stripping tape can exist used as insulation, shock absorption and sound absorbing materials. It is easy to handle, manageable, and tin can be cutting and conformed to a diverseness of shapes and sizes, making it a good foam strip for windows, doors, or whatsoever place you lot need to forestall unwanted rut transfer.

Thermal Window Treatments

Another way to help insulate your windows is by adding some insulating window treatments.

To practice this, you tin can use defunction made of insulating cloth such as wool or silk. If you prefer to keep your windows articulate and open, check out insulating blinds that are like in concept but different in application. They're likewise sold with a diverseness of insulating materials like aluminum composite, which is very lightweight and easy to transport should you lot need to relocate for various reasons.

Foam Insulation Kits

If yous desire a permanent solution to insulate your windows, then getting some foam insulation kits may be what you demand. The beauty of these products is how well they are designed – from the ease of installation right down to their efficient design.

When installing cream insulation kits brand certain yous follow the instructions on the box. Even if you lot are somewhat confident in your abilities to install this insulating foam product, read upward on any tips or warnings it may have. The insides they contain are compressed and piece of cake to interruption free but once released all that strength tin can come up at a cost.

Cream insulation kits come in varying sizes – typically a 2×4 human foot section of starter kit insulates ten square feet of space. Take note that these insulating kits do not include everything needed for installation; you lot will too demand an agglutinative similar Super 77.

When setting up your insulating kit, make sure any surfaces yous're working with are make clean before getting started.

Window Film

Window films are a clear, insulating barrier that are applied to each side of the window. They help insulate the dwelling by slowing down the rate of heat loss through windows.

Window motion picture insulates and improves a building's thermal efficiency. The insulating window film shields the room from outdoor atmospheric condition conditions such as rain or cold winds.

In terms of toll, window films are typically more expensive than insulating materials such equally insulating curtains or blinds. With that beingness said, they can be effective insulators and they don't block the view from outdoor to inside which insulating curtains or blinds would.

How to Insulate Windows for Winter - Window Film

Our favorite window motion picture is made by 3M. The 3M Indoor ane-Window Insulation Kit is designed for insulating windows located betwixt the within and outside of your home. This production is quick and easy to install and tin can help homeowners save on energy bills.

Is Insulating Your Windows Worth It?

Is Insulating Your Windows Worth It

Insulating your windows is relatively cheap. Most blinds and window treatments cost between $75-150 for insulating window treatments. Meanwhile insulating kits toll effectually $25 per 2×iv ft. insulator – which if you are insulating all of your windows that means spending anywhere from $50 to a few hundred dollars depending on the size and size of your home.

The costs tin add up but information technology is often worth the coin considering it's an easy solution (compared to replacing your windows). Plus, because installation is uncomplicated, nigh people choose to insulate their windows regardless of cost. It beats living in a super cold or hot habitation year after year without insulating them.

In terms of ROI and cost savings from insulating windows, in that location are a number of variables that impact cost savings. For case, where you live, how oftentimes yous apply your heating and cooling systems, your utility costs, the type of windows, and the age of your windows all play a function in savings. This makes information technology relatively challenging to reply if insulating your windows is entirely worth it. Ultimately, the best way to make a decision is to ask yourself if you're willing to cede comfort. If the answer is no, and so insulate your windows.

Should I simply supersede my windows?

Should I just replace my windows

Air sealing and adding insulation materials is a cost constructive way to squeeze some extra life out of your windows. But, at some point, information technology may exist easier to bite the bullet and just supercede your windows altogether.

Some signs you should supersede windows include:

  • Leaking around the window frames. Air leaks can happen when windows are installed or fifty-fifty if they age. Sometimes insulating your windows with insulating kits isn't enough to end sealing issues from popping upward.
  • Condensation and ice buildup on your windows during times of cooler atmospheric condition or heavy rainfall.

Replacing one-time, drafty windows is a necessity for insulating your habitation finer – especially if y'all live in colder climates. However, this solution isn't cheap. The average cost of replacing one window is anywhere between $300-$500 depending on where you become them from and what kind of fabric you desire (vinyl, forest, aluminum). Frequently, you can insulate all of the windows in your home for the same cost of 1 replacement window.


In the terminate, insulating your windows is a cheap way to improve your energy efficiency at habitation. It's an like shooting fish in a barrel project that can be done in as little as an hour by anyone with bones DIY skills and picayune coin. Anything from insulating kits to insulating curtains and blinds will assist insulate your windows for winter finer.


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